Ethical and Legal Considerations in End-of-Life Care

Ethical and Legal Considerations in End-of-Life Care ( 4 Questions)

Question 1 :

A nurse is caring for a client who has terminal cancer and is receiving hospice care at home. The client's spouse asks the nurse to administer a higher dose of morphine to the client to hasten death. What is the nurse's best response?

Correct Answer: A

The nurse should empathize with the spouse's grief, but refuse to administer a higher dose of morphine to the client to hasten death. This would be considered active euthanasia, which is illegal and violates the ethical principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence.

Incorrect options:

B) "I will contact the hospice physician and ask for a prescription for a higher dose of morphine." - This is an incorrect response, as the nurse should not seek a prescription for a higher dose of morphine without the client's consent and without a valid indication. This could also be seen as an attempt to facilitate euthanasia.

C) "I will report you to the authorities for requesting euthanasia." - This is an incorrect response, as the nurse should not threaten or intimidate the spouse for expressing their feelings. The nurse should provide support and education to the spouse and respect their right to autonomy.

D) "I will discuss your request with the client and respect their wishes." - This is an incorrect response, as the nurse should not involve the client in a decision that is illegal and unethical. The nurse should protect the client's rights and dignity and advocate for their best interests.

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