Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) ( 15 Questions)

Question 1 :
A nurse is educating a client about the main symptom of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) What is the primary characteristic of this symptom?

Correct Answer: B

Difficulty concentrating.

Choice A rationale:

Mood swings are not the primary characteristic of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) GAD primarily involves excessive and persistent worry and anxiety, rather than mood swings.

Choice B rationale:

Difficulty concentrating is the primary characteristic of GAD. One of the core symptoms of GAD is the inability to focus or concentrate due to constant worry and anxiety. This cognitive impairment can significantly impact daily functioning.

Choice C rationale:

Muscle pain is not the primary characteristic of GAD. While muscle tension is a common symptom of GAD, it is not the main characteristic that distinguishes GAD from other disorders.

Choice D rationale:

Chest pain is not the primary characteristic of GAD. Chest pain might be associated with anxiety, but it's not the defining feature of GAD. GAD primarily involves excessive and uncontrollable worry.

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