Legal and Ethical Aspects of First Aid

Legal and Ethical Aspects of First Aid ( 5 Questions)

Question 1 :

A nurse is providing first aid to a client who has a minor cut on his finger. The client tells the nurse that he does not want any treatment and asks the nurse to leave him alone. What should the nurse do?

Correct Answer: B

Choice A Reason: This action is incorrect because it violates the client's right to refuse first aid and may cause harm or resentment.

Choice B Reason: This action is correct because it respects the client's right to refuse first aid and documents his refusal as required by law. Respect the client's right to refuse first aid and document his refusal. This action follows the ethical principle of autonomy and the legal aspect of refusal as described in the text.

Choice C Reason: This action is incorrect because it does not respect the client's right to refuse first aid and may be seen as coercive or manipulative.

Choice D Reason: This action is incorrect because it is unnecessary and inappropriate for a minor injury that does not pose a serious threat to the client's health.

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