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More Questions on This Topic ( 10 Questions)

Question 1 :

A nurse is assessing a client who has a pressure ulcer on the sacrum. Which finding indicates a possible infection of the wound?

Correct Answer: C

Correct answer: C) Increased pain and tenderness

Rationale: Increased pain and tenderness of the wound site may indicate an infection, as the inflammatory response is triggered by the presence of microorganisms. The nurse should obtain a wound culture and notify the provider of the suspected infection.

Incorrect options:

A) Serous drainage - This is a normal finding for a healing wound, as serous fluid is clear and watery and contains plasma and white blood cells. It does not indicate an infection unless it is cloudy, foul-smelling, or purulent.

B) Reddened periwound skin - This is a normal finding for a healing wound, as the increased blood flow to the area promotes oxygen and nutrient delivery to the wound site. It does not indicate an infection unless the redness is spreading, warm, or accompanied by other signs of inflammation.

D) Granulation tissue formation - This is a normal finding for a healing wound, as granulation tissue is new connective tissue that fills the wound bed and supports epithelialization. It does not indicate an infection unless it is pale, friable, or necrotic.

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