Otitis media

Otitis media ( 15 Questions)

Question 1 :
A nurse is explaining the main cause of otitis media to a parent of a young child.
Which of the following statements accurately describes the primary cause of otitis media as per the information provided in the text?

Correct Answer: B

Choice A rationale:

Otitis media is not mainly caused by the presence of bacteria in the middle ear.

While bacterial infections can contribute to otitis media, it is not the primary cause as per the information provided in the text.

Choice B rationale:

Eustachian tube dysfunction is indeed the primary cause of otitis media.

The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the throat.

When this tube is not functioning correctly, it can lead to the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear, providing an ideal environment for bacterial growth and infection, which results in otitis media.

Choice C rationale:

Otitis media is not primarily caused by allergic reactions.

While allergies can lead to Eustachian tube dysfunction, it is not the main cause of otitis media.

Choice D rationale:

The statement that "The risk factors for otitis media are not well-defined" is incorrect.

The risk factors for otitis media are well-established, including factors like age (more common in children), exposure to smoke, attending daycare, and Eustachian tube abnormalities.

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