Principles of Basic Wound Care

Principles of Basic Wound Care ( 4 Questions)

Question 1 :

A nurse is assessing a client with a pressure ulcer on the sacrum. Which finding indicates a potential complication of the wound?

Correct Answer: C

Correct answer: C) Foul-smelling greenish discharge from the wound

Rationale: Foul-smelling greenish discharge from the wound indicates a possible infection, which can delay wound healing and increase the risk of sepsis. The nurse should notify the provider and obtain a wound culture to identify the causative organism and guide antibiotic therapy.

Incorrect options:

A) Serous drainage from the wound - This is a normal finding, as serous drainage is clear and watery and indicates a healthy inflammatory response.

B) Redness and warmth around the wound - This is a normal finding, as redness and warmth indicate increased blood flow to the wound site, which facilitates healing.

D) Granulation tissue forming in the wound bed - This is a positive finding, as granulation tissue is new connective tissue that fills the wound and supports epithelialization.

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