Signs and Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms ( 4 Questions)

Question 1 :

A nurse is assessing a pregnant client who is at risk for pre-term labor.

Which sign or symptom should the nurse prioritize when determining the need for immediate intervention?

Correct Answer: A

Regular uterine contractions occurring every 20 minutes. This is a sign of preterm labor, which is labor that begins before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Preterm labor can lead to premature birth and complications for the baby.

Choice B is wrong because low back pain lasting for 15 minutes is not a specific sign of preterm labor.

It could be caused by other factors, such as posture, muscle strain, or kidney infection.

Choice C is wrong because a change in vaginal discharge with a mild increase in amount is not a sign of preterm labor.

It is normal for pregnant women to have some vaginal discharge throughout pregnancy.

However, if the discharge is watery, bloody, or has a foul odor, it could indicate a problem and should be reported to the provider.

Choice D is wrong because decreased fetal movement is not a sign of preterm labor.

It could be a sign of fetal distress or other complications.

Pregnant women should monitor their baby’s movements daily and contact their provider if they notice any changes or concerns.

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