Naxlex Blog TEAS Practice Test The Ultimate HESI Cheat Sheet: The Key to Exam Success

The Ultimate HESI Cheat Sheet: The Key to Exam Success

A cheat sheet is a shortened version of crucial information that facilitates speedy study and revision. Throughout the test, it will be a quick reference to help you remember important information. An in-depth HESI study guide will ensure that you always have the most pertinent data at your disposal, allowing you to swiftly and accurately respond to test questions.

To use the HESI cheat sheet effectively and get your desired grade, you must be familiar with the HESI A2 exam structure. The best way to prepare and understand the structure of the HESI exam is to take practice questions. Naxlex is the most trusted TEAS 7 and HESI A2 Test prep with a guarantee of a 90% pass. Sign Up now and learn how to navigate the HESI A2 exam.

HESI Cheat Sheet For Math Content

Geometry TopicDescription
Area– Square: A = s^2
– Rectangle: A = l × w
– Triangle: A = 1/2 × b × h
– Circle: A = π × r^2
PerimeterThe total length of the boundary of a 2D shape or figure.
– Square: P = 4s
– Rectangle: P = 2l + 2w
– Triangle: P = a + b + c
– Circle: P = 2πr
VolumeThe measure of the space occupied by a 3D shape or object.
– Cube: V = s^3
– Rectangular Prism: V = l × w × h
– Cylinder: V = π × r^2 × h
AnglesThe amount of rotation between two intersecting lines or line segments.
– Right Angle: 90°
– Straight Angle: 180°
– Acute Angle: less than 90°
– Obtuse Angle: between 90° and 180°
TrianglesA polygon with three sides and three angles.
– Equilateral Triangle: all sides and angles are equal.
– Isosceles Triangle: two sides and two angles are equal.
– Scalene Triangle: all sides and angles are different.
CirclesA round-shaped figure with all points on the boundary equidistant
from the center.
– Circumference: C = 2πr
– Diameter: d = 2r
– Arc Length: L = (θ/360°) × 2πr
Centimeters (cm) and inches (in)2.54 centimeters equals 1 inch
Meters (m) and feet (ft)1 meter equals 3.28 feet
Kilometers (km) and miles (mi)1.61 kilometers equals 1 mile
Quarts (qt) and liters (L)1.06 quarts equals 1-liter
Liters (L) and gallons (gal)3.79 liters equals 1 gallon
Grams (g) and ounces (oz)28.3 grams equals 1-ounce
Kilograms (kg) and pounds (lb)1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds

HESI Cheat Sheet For  Anatomy and Physiology

TopicKey Points
Cell Structure– Cell membrane: selectively permeable barrier
– Nucleus: control center of the cell
– Mitochondria: energy production
– Endoplasmic reticulum: protein synthesis
– Golgi apparatus: packaging and distribution of molecules
Tissues– Epithelial: covers and protects body surfaces
– Connective: supports and connects body parts
– Muscle: enables movement and generates force
– Nervous: transmits and processes electrical signals
Skeletal System– Bones provide support, protection, and mineral storage
– Joints allow movement and flexibility
– Bone marrow produces blood cells
Muscular System– Skeletal muscles enable voluntary movement
– Smooth muscles control involuntary functions
– Cardiac muscle pumps blood throughout the body
Nervous System– Central nervous system: brain and spinal cord
– Peripheral nervous system: nerves and ganglia
– Neurons transmit electrical signals
– Neurotransmitters facilitate communication between cells
Circulatory System– Heart pumps oxygenated blood to tissues
– Blood vessels transport blood throughout the body
– Red blood cells carry oxygen
– White blood cells fight infections
Respiratory System– Lungs facilitate gas exchange
– Diaphragm aids in breathing
– Oxygen enters the bloodstream, carbon dioxide is removed
Digestive System– Mouth: digestion begins with chewing and saliva production
– Stomach: breaks down food with acids and enzymes
– Small intestine: absorbs nutrients
– Large intestine: absorbs water and forms feces
Urinary System– Kidneys filter waste products from blood
– Urine is produced and transported to the bladder
– Bladder stores urine until elimination
Reproductive System– Male: produces sperm cells and testosterone
– Female: produces eggs and hormones
– Fertilization and gestation occur in the female
Endocrine System– Glands secrete hormones for various bodily functions
– Pituitary gland: controls other glands
– Thyroid gland: regulates metabolism
– Adrenal glands: produce stress hormones
Integumentary System– Skin protects underlying tissues
– Hair and nails provide additional protection
– Sweat glands regulate body temperature
– Sensory receptors detect external stimuli

HESI Cheat Sheet For Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and General Knowledge

CategoryTips and Strategies
Reading Comprehension– Skim the passage before reading the questions
– Highlight or underline key information
– Pay attention to the main idea and supporting details
– Look for transition words and signal phrases
– Practice active reading techniques
Vocabulary– Learn word roots, prefixes, and suffixes
– Make flashcards for new words
– Use context clues to determine word meanings
– Read extensively to improve vocabulary
– Review common word lists and synonyms
General Knowledge– Stay updated with current events and news
– Read non-fiction books and articles
– Take notes while studying
– Practice critical thinking and logical reasoning
– Review key concepts from various subjects

Common nursing mnemonics that can help study and remember important HESI A2 concepts:

ABCDEAirway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure – A systematic patient assessment and prioritization approach.
COLDSPACharacter, Onset, Location, Duration, Severity, Pattern, and Associated factors – Used for pain assessment.
SAMPLESigns/Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past medical history, Last oral intake, Events preceding – Used for patient history taking.
BRAT DietBananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast – A diet commonly used for patients with gastrointestinal distress.
ADPIEAssessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation – The nursing process for delivering patient care.
5 RightsRight patient, Right medication, Right dose, Right route, Right time – Medication administration safety guidelines.
SOAPSubjective data, Objective data, Assessment, Plan – A format for organizing clinical progress notes.
CAGECut Down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye-opener – A screening tool for alcohol abuse.
BRUEBrief Resolved Unexplained Events – A term used to describe infants with an unexplained episode of stopped breathing or pale/blue skin tone.
FASTFace drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, Time to call emergency services – Signs of a stroke.
RICERest, Ice, Compression, Elevation – A treatment approach for managing acute injuries and swelling.

The major body electrolytes, their roles, and the normal value ranges:

ElectrolyteRoleNormal Value Range
Sodium (Na+)Regulates fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions135-145 mEq/L
Potassium (K+)Regulates heart rhythm, muscle function, and fluid balance3.5-5.0 mEq/L
Calcium (Ca2+)Supports bone health, nerve signaling, and muscle contractionsTotal: 8.5-10.5 mg/dL
Ionized: 4.5-5.6 mg/dL
Magnesium (Mg2+)Involved in enzyme function, nerve function, and muscle contractions1.5-2.5 mEq/L
Chloride (Cl-)Helps maintain fluid balance and assists in digestion98-106 mEq/L
Bicarbonate (HCO3-)Regulates acid-base balance22-28 mEq/L
Phosphate (PO4-)Supports bone health, energy production, and acid-base balance2.5-4.5 mg/dL (serum)
2.0-4.5 mg/dL (urine)

Mastering the HESI A2 exam requires a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and information. The Ultimate HESI Cheat Sheet provided here is your key to exam success, offering brief and essential details across different subjects. With this cheat sheet, you’ll have a quick reference that will help you easily remember important information and navigate the exam.

To maximize the effectiveness of the cheat sheet, it’s crucial to be familiar with the HESI A2 exam structure. Taking practice questions and understanding the exam format will further enhance your preparation. That’s where Naxlex comes in. As the most trusted TEAS 7 and HESI A2 Test prep resource, Naxlex offers a guaranteed 90% pass rate. Create an account and you’ll gain access to valuable resources and learn how to excel in the HESI A2 exam.

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