odds of passing nclex with 145 questions
Naxlex Blog NCLEX,Nursing Odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions

Odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions

odds of passing nclex with 145 questions

NCLEX is a computer-adaptive exam, meaning the test can shut off at any moment. The program determines with 95% precision whether you have passed or failed the exam. However, the odds of passing the NCLEX with 145 questions are 90% or higher if you use a tried-and-tested test prep program that is helping hundreds of thousands of nursing students pass the NCLEX on the first attempt.

You might wonder which test prep tool in the market can increase your odds of passing the NCLEX with 145 questions and a 90% score. Naxlex, the partner of your choice, is determined to help you achieve that level of excellence. Using our test preparation guides guarantees you an A or 100% money back. Boost the odds of your NCLEX success with Naxlex test prep.

Passing the NCLEX test is no small feat. The exam is challenging, with a wide variety of questions and adaptive technology. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the odds of passing the NCLEX with 145 questions. The compositions of the questions vary, with some concepts based on the textbook and nursing skills, while others evaluate your critical thinking competencies.

Unlike other types of exams, the NCLEX test is purely a pass-or-fail exam. At the end of the exam, you will get a score known as logit but its insignificance in determining the outcome of the test. Once you pass the exam, you become a registered nurse to start providing nursing services. Conversely, if you fail the test, you must retake it before registration.

How is the NCLEX graded?

The NCLEX is scored automatically as you respond to the different questions. It utilizes computer-adaptive technology (CAT) to grade the test. The CAT technology is programmed to ask nursing questions based on your skill level to determine your preparedness to become a registered nurse. Each time you answer correctly, the next one becomes more difficult.

You don’t have to answer all the questions to pass the test. It’s possible to pass the exam once you answer the minimum questions, which are 75, or pass with 145 questions. Knowing the odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions can give you the impetus to prepare effectively for the exam. CAT software grading system is broken into the following.

The candidate’s ability—This constitutes the number of entry-level nursing competencies, skills, and aptitudes the candidate has.

Automated estimate- the CAT software estimates the applicant’s entry-level nursing competencies, skills, and abilities.

Passing standard- This comprises the cut-off point along a range of competencies that shows the minimum ability level needed to offer safe and effective nursing care.

Logit—Logit is a unit of assessment that showcases how much better a candidate is than the average performer in providing safe and effective care.

A significant advantage of NCLEX is that all nursing candidates start the exam with questions of the same difficulty. However, the questions start differentiating in difficult levels based on whether you answer correctly or incorrectly. If you answer a question correctly, the next one will be more difficult. If you answer incorrectly, the next one will be easier.

Based on how the candidate responds to the questions, the CAT system ensures some applicants can complete the exam much quickly than others depending on the level at which they correctly answer the questions. Thus, the odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions increase with your preparation efforts and strategies applied. 

What is the passing NCLEX score with 145 questions?

It is worth understanding that, the way the NCLEX adaptive test is structured, your pass or fail score is equal to zero. The objective of the exam is not the grade or percentage you achieve. The main purpose of the NCLEX test is to determine whether or not you have the required skills to become a registered nurse. The CAT software can determine this based on how many questions you answer correctly. Prepare effectively to boost your odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions.

In December 2022, the NCSBN voted to strengthen the current passing level for NCLEX-RN. This means, applicants will continue to be required to pass the exam at a level of 0.00 for registered nurses and NCLEX-PN at -0.18 logits. The CAT program utilizes a base logit grade of 0.00 to determine your pass or fail. If your score is above 0.00 logits, you have passed the exam.

How to increase the odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions?

The minimum number of questions for the NCLEX-RN is 75, while the maximum is 145. Your exam can shut off between 75 and 145 questions if the CAT program determines with 95% accuracy that you have passed or failed the test. If you answer sufficient questions correctly, the exam can end after 75. If more data is required to determine your skills, it can go up to 145.

Applying different tips and strategies can increase the odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions. We share some of the practical tips you can utilize to pass the exam at 145 questions.

Use practice questions. Not all NCLEX practice questions have been designed equal. Some test preparation resources like Naxlex have been created to give you a win on the first attempt at the exam. Utilizing our quality guides will surely increase your odds of passing NCLEX with 145 questions. 

The rationales for correct and incorrect answers are powerful learning guides you can use to boost your odds of passing the NCLEX with 145 questions. The rationales for incorrect answers help you determine the concepts that require more effort so you can schedule adequate time to cover these topics.

Besides, rationales for correct answers can help you reinforce your skills, knowledge, and competencies in different aspects of the nursing profession. Having a timetable to program the content review schedule will definitely go a long way in boosting the odds of passing the NCLEX with 145 questions.


The NCLEX is a vital examination standing between your nursing school and nursing practice. It’s a pass-or-fail exam; once you pass the test, you’ll be registered to practice your career. However, if you fail, you’ll be required to retake the test. You can boost the odds of passing the NCLEX with 145 questions by utilizing powerful test preparation resources. Naxlex, for instance, guarantees you an A or 100% money back. Try Naxlex now and match it to NCLEX success. 

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