How it works

For guidance on system usage, view the User Manual

  • Register With Us: As a student, create an account through our online portal or platform by providing your personal details and selecting the package you wish to subscribe to and you'll be redirected to make payment. You will have access IMMEDIATELY once you pay!
  • Presentation of Practice Tests: The online platform presents the questions to the students based on the predetermined format after making payment. The format can vary, including multiple-choice questions, essay-type questions, fill-in-the-blanks, or practical assessments, depending on the subject or course.
  • Access and Time Limit: Students are granted access to the questions everytime time and are usually given a predetermined time limit to complete it. The exam platform tracks the duration of the exam and may automatically submit the answers once the time is up.
  • Question Display: The questions are displayed on the screen, and students can navigate through the questions using a user interface. They can typically move forward and backward, review and change their answers before submitting the exam.
  • Answer Submission: Students submit their answers through the online platform. The system saves the answers as the students progress through the test, ensuring that the work is not lost in case of any technical issues.
  • Result Declaration: Once the practice test is complete and the grading process is finished, students can usually access their results through the online platform. They may receive a score or grade along with feedback, depending on the test format and the policies of the educational institution.
  • Package Resubscription: Once your package expires within the given timeframe, you can resubscribe to get full access again unless you decide to opt out.

Our Premium Packages

Premium Package

$69/30-day Access
Offer expires in
  • Access to all subjects' study guides. Well-detailed with explanation
  • Performance tracking
  • Questions and well -detailed explanation
  • Video explanation
  • Detailed performance analysis available upon completion
  • 1250 questions with 99% accuracy prediction of real exam
  • 2 self-assessment practice 170 questions 309 minutes each

Premium plus

$189/80-days Access,live tutoring included
  • Access to all subjects' study guides. Well-detailed with explanation
  • Performance tracking
  • Questions and well -detailed explanation
  • Video explanation
  • Detailed performance analysis available upon completion
  • 1250 questions with 99% accuracy prediction of real exam
  • 2 self-assessment practice 170 questions 309 minutes each
  • 6 hours of live tutoring(Maths & Science)