Naxlex Blog HESI Exam,HESI Practice Test What are the Pass Rates for the HESI A2 Practice Test?

What are the Pass Rates for the HESI A2 Practice Test?


The passing scores for the HESI A2 exam can vary depending on the specific school program. While some programs may accept scores as low as 62%, others may require scores as high as 85-90% for admission. Generally, the passing range for the overall cumulative score falls between 75% and 80%. Check with your respective school program to determine the specific requirements for admission and the passing scores they should aim for. Use HESI A2 practice test to prepare.

Naxlex is a unique website providing invaluable HESI A2 practice tests to ensure your success. With a range of services trusted by countless students, you can achieve outstanding results, earning an A or B on your exam. Don’t delay; begin your HESI A2 exam preparation today and give yourself the best chance of acing the test. Visit Naxlex now and seize the opportunity to excel.

What is the HESI A2 Exam?

The HESI A2, administered by Health Systems Incorporated, is a computer-based entrance exam many nursing school programs use to evaluate potential nursing students. The exam consists of eight subtests covering language, math, and science, including reading comprehension, grammar, math, biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy and physiology, vocabulary, and general knowledge. The exam also includes two unscored subtests that provide insight into a student’s learning style and personality traits. Each nursing school determines which subtests to have, and the difficulty levels of the exam may vary accordingly.

How is HESI A2 Scored?

The HESI A2 exam scores each subtest separately, with varying numbers of questions. The math, reading, vocabulary, and grammar subtests have 55 questions each, while biology, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology have 30 questions each. On the other hand, physics has 25 questions. All subtests, except for physics, have five unscored pilot questions.

These pilot questions are potential additions to future exams and do not affect the test taker’s score. However, since it is unknown which questions are pilot questions, you should strive to answer them correctly. The final HESI A2 score is cumulative, with a maximum possible score of 100.

Read More: How hard is the HESI A2 exam?

How Many Students Pass the HESI A2 Practice Test & Exam?

There is no specific percentage of how many students pass the HESI A2 exam since each school has its admission requirements and pass score. Unfortunately, many students fail this exam and miss the chance to join an institution of their choice. Others take retakes that cause psychological trauma and waste of time.

Tips to Pass the HESI A2 Exam?

  1. Use the HESI A2 Practice Test

Review the exam to understand the HESI exam better and know what to anticipate during the test. When you familiarize yourself with the structure of the HESI exam, you can enhance your knowledge about its specific details. There would be no better way than to use the Naxlex HESI A2 practice test.

You can start using our free practice test and know the areas in which you need more preparation. Take timed practice tests; with more than one timed HESI A2 practice test, it will help you learn time management on the actual exam.

  1. Read the Questions Carefully

It is crucial to approach the HESI exam carefully, as it can present some challenging aspects. Reading the entire question and all answer options is essential. Test creators often incorporate deceptive elements to divert your attention and prevent you from identifying the correct answer. They may include choices that appear plausible but are not necessarily the optimal or “best” response.

  1. Research what the HESI A2 Exam Needs

While some nursing schools mandate the completion of all sections of the HESI A2 exam, others have specific requirements and may only necessitate taking some areas. It is advisable to verify which sections of the HESI A2 exam are required with the nursing school of interest.

This will allow you to prepare for the specific sections you need to take adequately. By understanding the school’s requirements, you can focus your preparation efforts accordingly and ensure that you are fully prepared for the sections that will be evaluated.

  1. Create your Test Order Starting with Easy to Difficult

There is flexibility in choosing the order of sections in the HESI exam, as there is no specific requirement to follow a predetermined sequence. Select the sections you find easier to tackle first and leave the more challenging areas for later. This offers enormous advantages.

Firstly, it allows you to allocate more time for studying the tricky sections, ensuring thorough preparation. Secondly, completing the easier sections provides a sense of accomplishment and removes some initial pressure. By strategically planning the order of areas, you can make the most of your study time and gradually work towards tackling the more complex components of the HESI exam.


Take control of your HESI A2 exam success with Naxlex! We have what it takes to help you pass on your first attempt. Keep the difficulty of the HESI from holding you back. Our well-researched practice tests, designed to resemble the actual HESI, guarantee your success. Prepare confidently with Naxlex and overcome any challenge that comes your way. Get started today and secure your path to HESI success!

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