The ATI teas study guide is a preparation resource authored by the developers of the ATI teas exam. It provides a complete learning guide comprising basic and comprehensive bundles. The ATI teas study guide is available in either Print or eBook and is sold at $25 for nursing applicants who wish to prepare thoroughly before sitting for the exam.
While Ati teas study guide can be useful material for exam preparation, an equally powerful study guide that can help you achieve greater results is the Naxlex. The practice test offers materials that predict the exam at 99% accuracy. Once you use Naxlex in your test prep, you’ll be guaranteed a 90% score on the first attempt. Try Naxlex Now.
Review of ATI Teas Study Guide
The ATI teas study guide provides many features. The following are some of the ati teas study guide’s attributes that you need to realize as you prepare for the test:
1. Prepared by the Writers of the Exam
One of the advantages of the Ati teas study guide is that the authors of the teas exam have created the materials. The resource offers a plethora of practice questions that mimic the real exam. Besides, the study guides provide a comprehensive list of sub-sections to enable you to capture the critical exam content.
2. Available in Print and eBook (ATI Teas Study Guide)
Depending on your tastes and preferences, the Ati teas study guide comes in print and ebook formats. If you desire to prepare for the exam using tangible resources, then the printed study guide is more suitable. If you want to test prep anytime using your smartphone or any other electronic gadget, the ebook version is the best option. The two material sets feature similar details and exercise challenges. Besides, the prices for each study guide are the same. Thus, you can choose the right resource based on your needs.
3. Aligns to ATI Teas 7 Model (ATI Teas Study Guide)
The guide consists of excellent content that is weighted and agrees with the newest model of ATI teas 7. It features all the major exam content areas and sections, including; reading, math, science, and the English language & usage.
4. Four-Year Digital Access
The digital ATI TEAS study guide comes along with an extended access license. If you buy the eBook study manual, you’ll have unlimited use for four years following the purchase.
5. Multiple Devices
The eBook study manual can be accessed through several gadgets, including tablets, desktops, and laptops connected to reliable internet.
6. Brand Teas 7 Exam Materials
The current study guide consists of complete exercise questions with explanations for correct responses. You’ll access practice questions around the study manual with over 325 questions at the end of the chapters. The questions align with the teas seven exams regarding the kind and format of the questions.
7. ATI Teas Study Guide Prices
The ATI teas study manuals deliver three types of preparation materials sold at different prices. They include a comprehensive study guide sold at $264, a basic study package at $110, and the practice test bundle at $80. Thus, depending on your budget, you can choose the correct package that suits your requirements.
How to Prepare for ATI Teas Exam?
Achieving the desired marks for the teas exam is important for anyone joining a nursing school. Regrettably, at least 30% of the applicants will be turned away from their dream program.

The exam evaluates your academic preparedness level in four different content areas. It is, thus, vital to prepare for the exam effectively. The following are the best ways to study for the ATI TEAS.
1. Have a Plan
A well-organized study plan must accompany the preparation of a successful tea. A good plan should address the following areas:
- Your time before the exam.
- Your study environment.
- The areas you find challenging.
- The best resources you can use.
2. Aim to Understand the Content
Many students focus on cramming complex concepts. There are better study strategies than filling. You can easily forget the crammed content on the test day. Thus, your focus should be on comprehending the content rather than cramming.
3. Purchase Practice Test
Practice tests are one of the most potent materials for that stellar performance. The test provides questions that pattern the actual exam. By using practice questions, you’ll familiarize yourself with the exam questions and gain the confidence you need to face the exam.
One great practice test that can help you is the Naxlex test. Using the Naxlex test preparatory, you will guarantee yourself a 90% pass on your exam’s first trial; try Naxlex.
The ATI teas study guide is useful for anyone preparing for the exam. A better alternative that guarantees a 90% win in the first round of the teas exam is the Naxlex test prep. Naxlex provides test questions that predict the real exam at 99% precision. So, if you want to save time and money in your test preparation efforts, Naxlex is your best bet. Use Naxlex today to achieve the desired score.